My Story in Collage:
Curating a creative practice
for when I need it most
Itching to get creative?
Want to ease into (more) community?
Interested in preparing for when your future self could use a little support?
Curious to get to know who your inner parts are?
Thank you
to the 8 collagers/writers/lovely humans who joined us for our Spring session.
We cut. We pasted. We got glue on our fingers.
We turned to a creative practice for different reasons.
To reenergize
To hit pause.
To reengage.
What a pleasure.
In this two-part workshop series, we’ll come together through collaging and writing prompts to help connect with our own inner parts.
Read vania’s piece HERE about exploring our inner parts.
10:00am - 12:00pm
Centre for Social Innovation, 720 Bathurst Street
(Minutes away from parking and Bathurst subway station ) Map
$175.00 (includes HST)
(This workshop may be eligible for reimbursement through private benefits. Individualized receipts available upon request.)
Workshop Includes
Collage supplies and materials
Notebook and writing materials
Coffee and tea
A chance to keep in touch and share our future creations with one another
You’ll leave with your own curated collage kit ready to go for when you need it most.
Your Facilitators
vania sukola, BASc, RP
vania (she/her) is a feminist therapist, mother and pleasure activist. She is an active story listener who helps folks live the life they love with intention as well as provides a space to be held. She comes from a long line of makers - since a young age, vania has loved to create things and give undivided attention to the moment in front of her.
Nina Moore, M.Ed., OCT
Nina (she/her) is a Toronto-based anxiety coach, educator, writer & mother. Her mission is to help others better understand, minimize, prevent—and thrive with—their anxiety. Nina’s work is based on her extensive teaching background as well as her lived experience of learning to live—well—with anxiety. Having a creative practice is, for her, a cherished tool for wellness.
To book this workshop
for a private group please fill out the quick form below: