I Quit, Goodbye, No Thank You
I’ve got my hot chocolate, pen and notebook all ready.
“What does it mean to let go?“
This is the writing prompt at Wednesday night’s Write on Mama! group.
I smile. Ah, I’ve got this.
The letting go [and grieving] of things and ideas and beliefs and identities and old dreams have been at the forefront of my learning to live well with an anxiety disorder.
It had felt so very counter-intuitive at first—and scary and disorientating.
In this culture that’s about more and bigger and faster, it is a radical act to slow down, to let go, to walk away.
And so I write:
Getting a haircut
Overloaded bags left at Value Village
Contacts deleted
Drawings and journals thinned out
Cleaning out the fridge
Deciding not to engage
Crossing when you see them coming down the street
Saying no
Changing coffee shops
Leaving the phone at home
Returning unread library books
Not replying
Chucking old photos
Marie Kondo-ing the apartment
Composting a dead plant
Taking down a picture
Starting over
Rearranging the furniture
(Join Write on Mama! on Wednesday nights @7:30pm via Zoom—for now. PWUC.)